



Open Access Article

Physical Sience and Technical Research. 2021; 1: (1) ; 16-18 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.pstr.20210005.

The development of MOOC and its influence on physics courses in colleges and universities

作者: 陈浩 *

天津工业大学 天津

*通讯作者: 陈浩,单位:天津工业大学 天津;

发布时间: 2021-12-21 总浏览量: 820



关键词: MOOC;发展历程;高校物理;应用研究


With the continuous development of social economy and science and technology, my country’s education has undergone many changes. In the learning stage of colleges and universities, students’ logical ability is poor, and physics learning has a certain degree of difficulty, and there is a certain unity in teaching. There are various problems when students are studying physics. These problems have caused the physics education in colleges and universities in our country to be effectively improved. A variety of new teaching methods have also appeared in the development of science. MOOC is a teaching method developed under social development. This method is developed with the support of Internet technology. The MOOC teaching method is applied in colleges and universities. Physics education can effectively improve students' interest and efficiency in learning, and it has a great role in promoting education in our country. This article is mainly about the analysis and research on the development of MOOC and its impact on college physics courses.

Key words: MOOC; Development History; College Physics; Applied Research

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陈浩, MOOC的发展及对高校物理课程的影响[J]. 物理科学与技术研究, 2021; 1: (1) : 16-18.